Welcome to our media page! This is where we share videos that we think may be of interest to youth. Some of the topics are: leadership, volunteering, making a difference, confidence, bullying, disability history, and disability pride. Please feel free to email us your ideas for videos to include at bridget@youthlegacyfoundation.org.
Here is a link to our YouTube channel, where we are adding more videos regularly (click here)…..
YLF’s ribbon cutting celebration (August 17, 2013)
Scrapbook video from ribbon cutting
Joseph Dillard, financial counselor, speaks to youth
Ed Roberts: His Words, His Vision
The Americans with Disabilities Act Signing Ceremony – July 26, 1990
Michael Bailey – Debunking Separate but Equal
Sue Swenson: Roundtable Discussion: Denver, Colorado September 2012
Laura Hershey, part 07 of 13: “College Experience”
Lead On, written by Justin Dart and performed Live by Billy Altom at NCIL National Conference
Farewell message of Justin Dart Jr.
Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds
RAW Interview with Temple Grandin’s Mother Eustacia Cutler
Drew Dudley: Everyday leadership
Derek Sivers: How to start a movement
Seth Godin: How to get your ideas to spread
Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
Diana Laufenberg: How to learn? From mistakes
15 TED Talks That Will Change Your Life
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