Higher Education Network

We are building a network of disabled student groups at colleges and universities and we invite Minnesota colleges and universities to join our Higher Education Network.


  • YLF programming offered to young adults in college: volunteer service facilitation, leadership activities, and mentoring and peer mentoring support
  • Be a part of a growing national higher education network
  • Enhanced capacity to serve youth with disabilities
  • Act more collectively as a resource serving youth who are pursuing a post-secondary education
  • A networking system is important to a grassroots community-based effort
  • A means to share information, best practices, experiences, and resources
  • Support the participation of fellow youth
  • Expand the number of older youth leaders who can leverage their leadership for the benefit of younger youth
  • Promotes collaboration across geographic region and type of disability, so it transcends population segments and fragmentation
    that currently exists – so, greater community inclusion and more unity in the disability community
  • Enhances the voice of the youth and build a youth leadership base that is self-directed
  • Provides a broad constituency base
  • Youth leaders will be at the forefront of leadership efforts, guiding their direction and decision-making through their participation and input.

Higher education resources:

Disabled Student Groups and Disability Services – Minnesota Colleges and Universities: