Hello! The Youth Legacy Foundation has been active mostly on our Facebook page as we have been brewing some new changes and fresh ideas.
We are still all about youth connecting with meaningful opportunities in their communities of choice. We do this through gathering and sharing resources, activities, and information.
So what’s new?
YLF is upgrading its communication tools and planning on adding more–including a podcast and more videos! We would love your participation, so let us know if you want to get involved or help in any way.
Maybe you have ideas for stories to share and great content. Maybe you want to make your own video for our YouTube channel. Or talk with us on a podcast after we get that rolling. This is a collaborative effort.
We will still be out in the community doing outreach and talking to youth and supporters. If YLF can come speak to your school or transition program, let us know! Our goal is to promote inclusion and support out in the community. And for you, offer stuff you’re interested in!
YLF hopes to connect with you and build community together!
Thanks for all you are and do!