Guest Author: James R. Meadours, Self-Advocate

james meadours head shot


It almost time school getting ready be off for summer. Why you set goal like fine job. As person who in middle school to as mom or dad to fine job like cut glass or doing some house clean even as teach you how wash your clothiers. I also may could wash dish and glass. What do mean do not using dish washer. For Youth in high school to as family or if you want as family friends could do around there house like wash someone cars or doing yard work. It teach you how to saving money and you may want buy a thing really want maybe video game or even when set goal next year to high school class ring. My first class ring I save money for one year. I felt great that reach this goal. Is also teach you being in part doing things on your own. I did some car washing too. That great jump start for help you to looking other jobs after when you grad high school starting make wish list what type job want do. You worried about how many hours could work without losing SSI or SSDI. You could work only 24 hours weeks. For me I work 3 days week. At my job. I hope you to trying fine summer job.

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