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YLF Updates!

Hello! The Youth Legacy Foundation has been active mostly on our Facebook page as we have been brewing some new changes and fresh ideas. We are still all about youth connecting with meaningful opportunities in their communities of choice. We do this through gathering and sharing resources, activities, and information. So what’s new? YLF is […]

Newsletter – April 30, 2018

The Youth Legacy Foundation is a free resource that shares information from across the community, specific to youth with disabilities. We want to get the word out to unify resources for youth. Click here for our full newsletter… Please feel free to send us information to share by emailing or calling 612-293-7008. Enjoy! 🙂

Disability Equality Training Series

Advocating Change Together (ACT) asked us to work together on this exciting program. It’s a leadership development training for people across age and disability. Advocating Change Together is a nationwide leader in developing and presenting human rights training to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. A group of two self-advocates and an ally will present […]

Partners in Policymaking Program – Application Info

Leadership and ADVOCACY SKILLS TRAINING FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES AND PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Nationally recognized Partners in Policymaking® program welcomes statewide applications, offered at no cost Comprehensive disability advocacy training offered Minnesotans with disabilities and parents of young children with developmental disabilities. These individuals are encouraged to apply for the Partners […]